CC-LIVE is: Colorado-grown, in-person learning, enhanced!


CC-LIVE is an edtech service developed by Colorado educators specifically for Colorado schools and students. No corporate thinking here! Our CC-LIVE teachers and staff reside and work in Colorado communities so we understand first-hand the challenges Colorado is facing in education.

In-Person Learning

CC-LIVE retains the best parts of the traditional in-person classroom that students and parents choose when they send their students to a brick-and-mortar school. No students left learning alone here! Students still learn in a physical classroom environment with the LIVE virtual teacher leading the learning and students interacting with their peers, the classroom supporter, and the teacher in real-time for the entire class period.


CC-LIVE virtual teachers are trained to use technology to enhance the traditional in-person learning experience so engagement and success are maximized for ALL learners. No one-size-fits-all approach here! Intentionally weaving digital tools into classroom instruction allows the LIVE virtual teacher more tools to differentiate learning and allows the students more tools to participate in learning in way that fits their individual needs.

How CC-LIVE works

Our services make accessing Colorado certified teachers easy for Colorado schools in need of highly-qualified teachers. We provide a LIVE virtual teacher who uses video conferencing to come directly into the partnering school’s classroom at a scheduled daily time to deliver direct instruction. CC-LIVE students continue to attend their traditional in-person school day and arrive in their classroom to learn at the scheduled class period, while the CC-LIVE teacher arrives in their classroom to teach via interactive video. Our experienced teachers are trained and supported for delivering LIVE virtual instruction that ensures both effective and engaging learning for all CC-LIVE students in this innovative environment as they move towards mastery of the Colorado Academic Standards. Partnering Colorado schools collaborate with us by providing support with a point person to manage program logistics, with a classroom supporter to assist students in classrooms during class sessions, and with basic technology to connect each student to the CC-LIVE teacher and course curriculum.


The students continue to attend their traditional in-person school day with their peers. They arrive in their classroom ready to learn at the scheduled class period with their computer as well as a headset so that they can see and hear the teacher. Students can interact with the teacher in-real time to participate in the learning activities and ask questions, just like they would if the teacher was physically in the room.


The teacher arrives in the classroom to teach via LIVE, interactive video. The teacher is projected on the front screen and on the student’s computers. The teacher can see, hear and interact with the students during the entire class period, similarly to how they would if they were physically in the room.

Classroom Supporter

The classroom supporter is a member of the school’s educational community that physically arrives in the room to supervise student learning. The classroom supporter ensures that the class period runs smoothly so that learning time is maximized and students’ needs for safety, technical and social-emotional support are promptly met before, during and after the class session.

Does it work?


Guardians in Spring of 2023 expressed concerns about how a CC-LIVE teacher would be able to support their students socially and emotionally remotely.

The CC-Live Impact:

Using an SEL survey informed by the Panorama framework found 91% of students feel like their CC-LIVE teacher respects them which is slightly more than their traditional teachers at the school. Additionally, 88% students feel like they are also respected by their classroom supporter.


75% of our school partners during Spring of 2023 were seeking an alternative to asynchronous teaching because it was ineffective during Fall 2022.

The CC-Live Impact:

After partnering with CC-LIVE for just one semester, students saw significant gains in academic growth and achievement.


Research provides evidence synchronous teaching is effective, however 70% of our spring cohort did not have a synchronous math teacher.

The CC-Live Impact:

Not only did this pilot project provide a synchronous teacher, but the project also provided a model that some students prefer to traditional teaching.


Historically speaking, less than 50% of students in all partnering schools score at or above proficient level in math state tests.

The CC-Live Impact:

Overall CC-LIVE students saw an average increase of 14 points in math scores from the beginning of the Spring semester to the end of the Spring semester. Some students gained as many as 100 percentage points from their pre to post test.

See Inside a CC-LIVE Class


Hear from a CC-Live Teacher

 The CC-LIVE Model is Not Emergency Remote Teaching  

CC-LIVE Takes a New Approach to Teaching and Learning

CC-LIVE Students…

  • Learn using paper, pencils and other kinesthetic tools, not just computer screens
  • Interact and work with peers in a physical classroom space
  • Translate the LIVE virtual teacher as they are talking into their native language through captioning 
  • Communicate with the LIVE virtual teacher in a way they feel most comfortable; like raising their hand or instantly typing their thoughts to the teacher during class privately
  • Ask the LIVE virtual teacher questions in real-time
  • Join classes from home in the event of an absence so they don’t get behind
  • Benefit from two professional educators supporting their learning and building relationships with them 
  • Call, text, email or meet with the LIVE virtual teacher one-on-one beyond the class period if necessary

CC-LIVE Teachers…

  • Have been trained and supported in LIVE virtual teaching strategies
  • Face the students while they teach using a digital presentation tools 
  • Interact with the students in real-time for the entire class
  • Hold students accountable and give structure to learning time
  • Have been trained on how to intentionally build relationships with students and meeting their social-emotional needs as a LIVE virtual instructor
  • Record classes so students and other individuals supporting the student can use the recordings if a class is missed or a relearning opportunity is needed
  • Use digital tools to gather data so they can respond quickly to student needs and differentiate learning 
  • Have a classroom supporter working with them and offering assistance and a secondary perspective to the LIVE virtual teacher

What People are Saying about CC-LIVE:

CC-LIVE is Solving Colorado’s Education Problems

One LIVE Virtual Teacher at a Time

Classrooms for Colorado LIVE originally began as a pilot program supported through a collaboration between Colorado Empowered Learning, Colorado River BOCES and Colorado Digital Learning Solutions with the intent of bringing highly-qualified Colorado teachers into classrooms across Colorado through LIVE virtual instruction. It is part of a pioneering effort in education that aims to develop a model of teaching and learning in Colorado classrooms that mixes the benefits of the traditional in-person learning experience for Colorado students with LIVE virtual teachers and exciting instructional technologies. The program launched on evidence that LIVE teachers have a positive impact on student achievement. Simultaneously this program also aims to address the teacher shortage in Colorado schools by engaging experienced Colorado teachers in the education profession by offering them an innovative teaching and working environment where they can thrive.

Experience the Future of Teaching and Learning 

Currently in Colorado…

…teachers are saying that they want different working conditions.


…students are saying that they want a learning environment that fits their generation.


…schools are saying that they are struggling to find highly-qualified teachers in their communities.


…Colorado teachers who were ready to leave the teaching profession are inspired to re-engage with a new approach to teaching. They are excited about the opportunity to experience a modern workplace that offers them the perks of telecommuting and the sense of safety provided by working from home. Happy Teachers = Happy Students!

…Colorado students will engage in learning with curriculum using methods that will prepare them for the tech-centered world they live in as well as the post-secondary institutions and workplaces they will enter.

….Colorado schools who are early adopters will promote that their schools are on the cutting edge of educational trends and are providing a highly-qualified teacher despite the availability of teachers in their zip code. Schools can also use the CC-LIVE teacher in a co-teaching model to mentor and grow an employee who is transitioning into teaching, allowing them to be proactive in addressing their own teacher shortage.

CC-LIVE Mentors New Teachers

First year alternative licensure teacher Michael Merluzzi discusses his experience working daily with CC-LIVE’s LIVE virtual teacher in his traditional in-person classroom as well as the benefits he sees in the CC-LIVE model of teaching and learning.

Highlights of the CC-LIVE mentoring model:


  • The LIVE virtual teacher leads the class and the alternative licensure teacher serves as the classroom supporter
  • Through observation the alternative licensure teacher can gain new ideas for classroom management, for instructional strategies and for integrating technology into learning from the LIVE virtual teacher
  • The two teachers can arrange time to co-plan and reflect together
  • Depending on the lesson plan, the two teachers can experiment with ways of co-teaching starting with one teach-one assists and progress as both feel comfortable
  • The alternative licensure teacher can use the LIVE virtual teacher mentorship and class session observations as evidence when completing alternative licensure course work
  • The LIVE virtual teacher can serve as an additional mentor for the alternative licensure teacher giving them a broader range of perspectives on teaching-learning and helping the alternative licensure teacher not feel isolated as they begin their teaching journey (especially in cases of rural school or small school settings)
  • Since the LIVE virtual teacher is supporting learning but not providing
    evaluation services to the alternative licensure teacher, the alternative
    licensure teacher can feel comfortable experimenting and being themselves

Partnering Schools FAQs

Why should a school add a CC-LIVE teacher to their teaching staff?
  • To fill a teacher vacancy 
  • To prepare or react to a teacher retiring
  • To be a long-term sub for one of your courses
If a school already has a full teaching staff, how can they still use a CC-LIVE teacher?
  • To reduce class sizes
  • To offer a course to a group of students that your school does not have or is at capacity (example: you are a middle school and have a few students who need a high school math class)
  • To mentor a person in your school who is transitioning to teaching in an alternative licensure program
  • To use the LIVE virtual teacher as PD support for a struggling teacher
  • To mentor a new teacher outside of the content area
What if a school partners with CC-LIVE to fill a teacher vacancy and then is able to hire a teacher during that term?

CC-LIVE asks that you commit to the whole term. The newly hired teacher can be the classroom supporter in this situation until the end of the term. CC-LIVE could be seen as a short-term (one term commitment) or a long-term (multi-year commitment) solution to help your students.

How can a school CC-LIVE to mentor an up-and-coming teacher already placed in that school?
  • Think about using a classroom supporter that you want to grow into a teacher from a alternative licensure program, para professional interested in teaching, a new teacher with little experience, a long-term sub thinking about getting into teaching, a teacher assigned to working outside of their endorsed area
  • Working with CC-LIVE teacher daily will immerse your up-and-coming teacher in best practices on a daily basis, modeling for your teacher and growing their understanding of how great teaching and learning can look
How does CC-LIVE mentor alternative licensure teachers?

Here is CC-LIVE’s approach to mentoring:

Mentoring is often unstructured and driven by the mentee’s need of the moment, while quality coaching is built around a standards-based structure and accountability.

Mentors are typically volunteers for whom the role is an add-on responsibility, while coaches are dedicated to and compensated for their role.

Additionally, one person should have a number of mentors for a range of developmental areas. So in this sense, our CC-LIVE teacher could be the mentor for an alternative licensure teacher seeking to develop their digital teaching strategies.

Additionally, CC-LIVE teachers are available to plan and reflect on class sessions with the mentee and we find that the mentee can include these experiences in their alt. licensure assignments from their cooperating program.

Here is additional information:

What is the point person?

This is simply a “go to” person in the school or district that can help CC-LIVE with things like enrolling students in our system before the start of the term and communication throughout the semester.

What is a classroom supporter?

The classroom supporter is the person on the ground that is responsible for supervising students and doing daily classroom tasks: like classroom set up, problem-solving with students during the sessions, attendance and supervision so that the class session runs smoothly.

CC-LIVE staff can help schools think through who in their building that would make a great classroom supporter or in advertising to hire a person specifically for this role.  A great classroom supporter is someone who can build positive relationships with students, hold students accountable for learning, has strong communication skills to work with the LIVE virtual teacher, and is excited to grow in their own teaching practice as they participate in this pioneering way of delivering instruction.

Ideas for classroom supporters:

-Teacher on plan (earning a stipend)


-SPED teacher


-Alternative licensure teacher


-Community member wanting to volunteer

-Long-term sub

-School counselor

How do you train the classroom supporter?

A great classroom supporter is important to the success of the CC-LIVE model.  We support training the classroom supporter in best practices using our training bootcamp, by supporting the classroom supporter and teacher to work together during the term and in meeting with the classroom supporter to problem-solve and grow. 

What does CC-LIVE provide?
  • A teacher that is ready to teach (no HR work needed on your end)
  • Digital platforms and curriculum, as needed
  • Support for the point person, classroom supporter and LIVE virtual teacher to deliver instruction in this model
What grade levels do CC-LIVE teachers teach?

8th grade- 12 grade

How many classes or class periods can a partnering school register with CC-LIVE?

It depends on the needs in your school…

  • We can offer you a teacher for one course during one period of your school day 

(Example: You need a Algebra 1 teacher for 20 students during period 2)

  • We can offer you a teacher(s) for multiple courses happening during different periods

(Example: You need an Algebra 1 teacher for 15 students during period 3, and you need a Geometry teacher for 23 students during period 6)

Can we use our bell schedule? When do classes start/stop?

Yes! We know scheduling is always at the forefront of decisions that schools are making. CC-LIVE has the challenge of working between the schedules of school partners but we find there are more similarities than differences. Reach out and let us know your needs, we can typically flex to most scheduling situations.

CC-LIVE classes start and stop with with partnering school’s academic calendar. 


What are the CC-LIVE curriculums and supplements? Can a partnering school use their own curriculum?


CC-LIVE has carefully selected our curriculums and supplements to meet the needs of this model of teaching and learning. Our teachers are trained to use a range of curriculums and supplement tools to meet the needs of all students. It is also possible for CC-LIVE teachers to use your school’s specific curriculum in some instances. Please reach out to CC-LIVE and let us know your needs!

Current curriculums and supplements our CC-LIVE teachers are using with partnering schools: 

  • Edmentum. Edmentum is a digital curriculum. is the leading provider of K-12 digital curriculum, assessments, and services to 43,000 schools in all 50 states and over 100 countries worldwide. Our partners at CDLS and Edmentum have helped us do the hard work of making sure that these courses align to the Colorado Academic Standards. 
  • Delta Math
  • Desmos
  • Freckle
  • IM Math
  • Math Medic
  • Boardworks
  • CPM
  • Pathways2Careers
  • Open Up Resources
  • Reveal Math
How much time will the partnership with CC-LIVE take?

At CC-LIVE we understand school staff are already busy and stretched thin.

We are mindful to limit meetings and emails to what is essential but more support is always available if needed. 

  • Conferences
    • When: Pre-semester (3-part), mid-semester, end of semester
  • Who: CC-LIVE staff and point people will attend all meetings. Classroom supporters, CC-LIVE teachers, and school IT people will attend the second and third pre-semester conferences.
  • What is covered during these conferences:
  • Pre-semester

Initial: The point person and CC-LIVE staff will meet to discuss overall expectations. A date will be determined for the point person to have all required registration documents completed. This is critical as it is the key to your students having access to course material and the teaching streaming into your courses. 

Intake: This is a meet and greet for the classroom supporter, point person, and the CC-LIVE teacher with support from CC-LIVE staff. The CC-LIVE teacher will gather valuable information that is unique to your school 

Set-up: Simply a dry run testing out all technology and confirming all required tech is on site 

  • Mid-semester

A good time to discuss what is working and what is not as this will allow us time to make changes that increase current student success. At this time we will also ask you to consider what your CC-LIVE needs are for next semester. 

  • End of semester

Discuss recommendations and confirm next semester needs.

Additionally, CC-LIVE staff and teachers are willing to meet as needed throughout the semester. 

  • As a pilot we will be administering short surveys  to individuals and we expect everyone to participate as these are critical to the research of the pilot program.
  • A key to a successful semester is having someone on the admin team, ideally the point person, visit with the students to explain the why behind their school partnering with CC-LIVE.
What instructional methodologies do CC-LIVE teachers use?

Our CC-LIVE teachers are experienced and have strong backgrounds in teaching which they first use to understand your unique school/student’s needs and choose then decide how to best approach delivering the content you need covered to ensure academic growth. Additionally our experienced CC-LIVE staff offers CC-LIVE teachers PD and growth cycles to support these choices. Past teachers have adapted to schools by using things such as: 5E’s, I do/You do/We do, flipped classrooms, modern classrooms project, launch/explore/summarize.

How are CC-LIVE teachers evaluated?

CC-LIVE is committed to offering partnering schools the best possible teachers and supports the teachers in professional development during the school year to be mindful practitioners in this unique format of instruction.

Since our LIVE virtual teachers are teaching in-person students in Colorado schools, our administrator at CC-LIVE evaluates our teachers using the Colorado State Model Performance Management System RANDA framework in order to measure student learning/outcomes as well as calculate a final effectiveness rating every school year.

Additionally as part of our evaluation and growth cycles our LIVE virtual teachers also align their teaching practices using the National Standards of Quality Online Teaching. National Standards for Quality Online Teaching and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by Quality Matters (QM) and the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA). The eight standards and 51 indicators provide a framework for schools, districts, state agencies, statewide online programs and other interested educational organizations to improve online teaching and learning.

When does CC-LIVE enrollment open/close?

CC-LIVE registration is currently open for the next semester and is on a first-come, first-served basis until we are full and/or the term begins. Reach out now to express your interest in partnering with CC-LIVE and to secure your spot.

What kinds of Colorado schools partner with CC-LIVE? Does our school have to be part of the Colorado River BOCES region?

Even though CC-LIVE is administered under the Colorado River BOCES, CC-LIVE can work with schools in any part of Colorado.

All publicly funded Colorado schools are eligible:

  • Large traditional high/middle schools
  • Small traditional high/middle schools
  • Alternative high schools
  • Schools of choice
  • Rural schools
  • Urban schools
  • High performance schools
  • Low performance schools
  • Average performance schools
What do partnering schools need to provide in this model?
  • Students with a computer and headset (headsets need a microphone) and capable internet
  • Classroom environment with screen/projector and sound equipment
  • Point person
  • Classroom supporter
  • Minimal meetings to set up, review and reflect on the partnership
  • Sharing pertinent student achievement data with CC-LIVE for reporting purposes
  • Occasional IT help to set up and problem-solve tech
  • Setting up the CC-LIVE teacher in the schools SMS, LMS, email and other systems (if the school wants CC-LIVE to use their systems)
Who can a partnering school use as a classroom supporter? Won’t that be expensive?

Partnering schools are required to provide a classroom supporter but the classroom supporter can be someone that is already being paid at the school so that there are no additional costs. 

Schools who are reporting success with this model are saying that the classroom supporter is key to making this model successful. So thinking carefully about who the person is, is important. 

In this co-teaching model the teacher is the content expert and the classroom supporter is assisting the learning. The support person does not need to be a content expert.

Because of this, we encourage choosing a classroom supporter that is great at building relationships with students.

The classroom supporter could be a para, admin, SPED, ELL, long-term sub, other teachers, or someone who you already have employed so this isn’t an extra cost. You just want to make sure there is consistency in this role. 

One school who was successful with this model said they were using the classroom supporter role to have a teacher on planning to get to know and start building relationships with the students that would be rising into their classes the following year.  

You could also use the experienced LIVE virtual teacher as a mentor to train a classroom supporter who wants to be a teacher in your school in the future. 

Examples of current classroom supporters include certified math teachers, ELD teacher, science teacher, and an industrial arts teacher.

Is this program for kids who are behind, on-track or advanced?

CC-LIVE teachers teach the courses that a school needs and fits the level of the students taking the course. 

CC-LIVE can develop courses for your group of students who are behind, on-track, or advanced as well as differentiate instruction for classrooms with diverse learners.

For example, if you are a middle school with a group of students who need a high school math class, CC-LIVE could be the solution. Or if you have a group of students who are behind and need a second skills based math class, CC-LIVE could be the solution. CC-LIVE also has experience with on grade-level students for traditional schools that are looking for a way to modernize their school by enhancing the classroom environment.


What platforms does CC-LIVE use?

CC-LIVE teachers can use the platforms (SMS, LMS, email) your school already has in place, our platforms or a combination.

CC-LIVE can provide the following platforms to partnering schools for free:

  • Zoom: virtual conferencing 
  • Class: virtual conferencing specific to education
  • Buzz: LMS
  • Google Classroom
How many students can a partnering school enroll with CC-LIVE?
  • Your enrollment can be just 1 student. In the case of 1 student or small groups of students, we can pair them up simultaneously with another school to create a full class and give the students a bigger classroom community to learn with.

(example: You have 3 students who need Algebra 2 during period 4. CC-LIVE has an Algebra 2 course happening period 4 already scheduled with Colorado Generic High School with 16 students enrolled. Your 3 students can join that class!)

  • You can enroll whole classes, up to 25 students

(example: You have 25 students who need Geometry period 6)

What courses does CC-LIVE offer?

Currently CC-LIVE is offering the following courses:


Algebra 1

Algebra 2


CC-LIVE is anticipating adding these courses starting in the 2024-2025 school year:

Computer Science



Need a different course? Reach out and let us know!

How does CC-LIVE address schools on 4 day weeks and block schedules?

We can accommodate a 4 or 5 day week schedule. CC-LIVE works hard to meet the varying needs of all its partnering schools. Let us know what your schedule needs are. 

Does CC-LIVE offer intervention or tutoring programs?

CC-LIVE is not specifically an intervention or tutoring program.  As a pilot we are constantly meeting with stakeholders and identifying areas where CC-LIVE can support Colorado schools

CC-LIVE offers courses for students to fit their needs. For example, if you have a group of students that need more pre-algebra skills outside of their regular math class, CC-LIVE could create a course for those students to learn pre-algebra skills.

CC-LIVE teachers can weave tutoring time into the class schedule and can be available to students outside of class time to offer one-on-one sessions to students to support their class work. 



How do partnering schools set up their classrooms to prepare for CC-LIVE teachers?

This could look different depending on your number of students.

You could have just 1 student or up to a class of 25 students. 

For large groups of students CC-LIVE would recommend having them in a traditional classroom setup with each student on a computer, at desks in rows, facing the front of the classroom.

If you have a single student or just a couple students, this could possibly look like that student sitting in a supervised classroom or library space, working at a computer.

How do CC-LIVE teachers share grades with schools?

CC-LIVE teachers share grade reports with schools weekly using a password protected Google Sheet.  If your school needs grades to be reported on a certain day of the week this is something we will accommodate and can be discussed during a pre-semester conference. Each school’s unique grading calendar can shape your CC-LIVE grade reporting schedule.

In partnering schools who can set teachers up in a grade reporting system such as Infinite Campus or Power School, the CC-LIVE teacher can enter grades. 

How do you support IEP, 504 and ELL students?
  • The CC-LIVE model and tools allow teachers to meet students where they are and help them grow.
  • CC-LIVE can offer students tools such as captioning in the LIVE teacher as they talk using the translation tool so that each student can receive instruction in thier first language.
  • It is the school district’s responsibility to notify CC-LIVE if a student enrolled in a course requires an accommodation. 
  • CC-LIVE is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to participate in CC-LIVE courses.
What kind of teachers does CC-LIVE offer partnering schools?

CC-LIVE is committed to offering our partnering schools the best possible teachers! This model of teaching and employment gives CC-LIVE an advantage to have a large applicant pool and choose high-quality candidates. Our CC-LIVE teachers are carefully selected, experienced teachers with past success with in-person classroom teaching, which we think is essential in this model to manage work with students who are sitting in classrooms.

  • Colorado Certified 
  • Background checked
  • Reference checked
  • Trained and supported in LIVE virtual teaching strategies
  • Full-time dedicated teachers
What happens if a CC-LIVE teacher is absent?
  • All efforts will be made to make sure the students will have LIVE instruction in the case of either a planned or unplanned absence.
  • The CC-LIVE teacher will communicate with the point person, classroom supporter, and the CC-LIVE team about the absence.
  • Each teacher is required to have an emergency plan that includes a variety of ways for the students to still learn in their absence. These options include another CC-LIVE teacher, a recorded lesson, or having the classroom supporter take the lead that day with materials the teacher has shared.
Do CC-LIVE teachers participate in parent-teacher conferences, open house, etc.? Can the CC-LIVE teacher physically come to the school for these events?

CC-LIVE teachers want to support students every way possible and are eager to connect with parents and guardians. Our teachers can be available virtually to participate in parent-teacher conferences and open house by being in the classroom along side the classroom supporter, just like they are during class period. Unfortunately, CC-LIVE teachers are not available to physically come to the school for any events.

General FAQs

How long has CC-LIVE been around?

CC-LIVE launched in Spring 2023

Does the CC-LIVE approach work for all students?

Nothing in education is a one-size-fits-all approach. CC-LIVE teachers work just like traditional classroom teachers to use all their knowledge and tools to meet the needs of ALL the learners in the classroom. Digital tools add even more ways for teachers to do this. Additionally, our data from the pilot stage of this work shows that students learning in this model make significant academic gains.

How does the CC-LIVE experience prepare students for the future?

Students need to be prepared for the modern workplaces and post-secondary education (post-secondary education embraced many forms of learning after the pandemic). CC-LIVE helps to prepare students for these environments that use technology and remote conferencing.  At CC-LIVE we believe we are not just meeting the need of academic growth in the content area but we are preparing students with soft skills that will get them ready and inform their chosen pursuits beyond their K-12 education.

Do parents like this model?

Parents who have had students experience the impact of teacher vacancies first hand find CC-LIVE superior to the teaching and learning they have had over the past few years.

In some ways CC-LIVE classrooms look similar to how parents experienced school and in other ways they look very different. We encourage parents to stay open-minded as they listen to their student talk about their experience learning this way.  We encouraging to partnering schools to directly communicate with parents and inform them about why the school has partnered with CC-LIVE and how they are confident that this model of learning will support student learning. 

Isn’t virtual learning only used in schools to remediate students who failed classes?

No. CC-LIVE supplements traditional in-person classroom instruction and is appropriate for ALL learners. 


Isn’t this too much screen time for students?

At CC-LIVE we believe that not all screen time is created equally. Although working with a LIVE virtual teacher adds some screen time into a student’s day, this is only part of the student’s overall in-person school day and we believe the benefits outweigh the consequences especially when it is providing students a quality  educational experience that their school might not be able to provide them otherwise. Additionally the CC-LIVE teacher balances the learning in the classroom to include time away from screens.

Pandemic teaching was a failure and a disaster. People in Colorado hated virtual learning! Why would a school want to do digital learning now with CC-LIVE?

The CC-LIVE model is NOT pandemic teaching. At CC-LIVE we think that not everything that came out of the pandemic was bad. We learned a lot and schools invested in technology. Let’s not let that go to waste! CC-LIVE takes the best parts of what we learned in the pandemic and mixes those with in-person learning to create a new exciting way of learning your school and students have never experienced before.

Can virtual teachers really build relationships with students when they are not physically in the classroom?

Yes! CC-LIVE teachers are trained in how to intentionally build relationships with students through LIVE virtual teaching. Students and teachers both report that they are able to build meaningful relationships working this way together. Also, remember the classroom supporter is another education professional in the classroom who is working to build a relationship with every student as well. This gives students two adults to make connections with during every class session.

How does CC-LIVE work to address the teacher pipeline in Colorado?

CC-LIVE is addressing the problems in the teacher pipeline in Colorado in many ways:

– Putting LIVE virtual teachers from other towns into classrooms where a school could not find a teacher in their community

– Helping to train and inspire classroom supporters to become future teachers

– Mentoring alternative licensure teachers as acting as classroom supporters with the aim of increasing their retention in the profession

-Reengaging highly-qualified experienced Colorado teachers back into the profession by giving them new, modern working conditions (our CC-LIVE teachers left traditional in-person classrooms due to reasons such as safety and lack of flexibility and were seeking ways to continue in the profession)


Parent FAQs

As a parent I went to traditional in-person school and I want my student to do the same. How is this model similar or different from traditional in-person learning?

We agree that there are lots of benefits of traditional in-person learning. You will be pleased to know that our model aligns mostly with this way of teaching and learning. CC-LIVE is committed to retaining the best parts of traditional in-person learning. In the CC-LIVE model, students go to school and arrive in the classroom just like they would for traditional in-person learning. The main difference is that the teacher arrives to teach on a screen instead of in-person. An additional adult, the classroom supporter, is present in the physical classroom to supervise students and support the virtual teacher and students. The virtual teacher works just like a traditional in-person teacher- they are a real teacher, who delivers real instruction for the whole class period. Students in a CC-LIVE classroom still experience peer-to-peer interaction and have physical activities mixed into the experience like doing stations or writing with pencil and paper- they are not on screens the whole time.

How did my student’s school decide to partner with CC-LIVE?

Schools decide to partner with CC-LIVE for a range of reasons however a common theme is that they are seeking additional support for their school community. After a number of conferences with the CC-LIVE team, your student’s administrative team made the decision that CC-LIVE is a partner that can help them support their school district’s goals.

What other schools partner with CC-LIVE?

Please review the bottom of our website to see specific school partners. Please note that we serve all publicly funded schools in Colorado and this is represented in our partner list.

  • Large traditional high/middle schools
  • Small traditional high/middle schools
  • Alternative high schools
  • Schools of choice
  • Rural schools
  • Urban schools
  • High performance schools
  • Low performance schools
  • Average performance schools
Do your teachers have the same credentials as other teachers in the state?

CC-LIVE is committed to offering our partnering schools the best possible teachers! This model of teaching and employment gives CC-LIVE an advantage to have a large applicant pool and choose high-quality candidates. Our CC-LIVE teachers are carefully selected, experienced teachers with past success with in-person classroom teaching, which we think is essential in this model to manage work with students who are sitting in classrooms.

  • Colorado Certified 
  • Background checked
  • Reference checked
  • Trained and supported in LIVE virtual teaching strategies
  • Full-time dedicated teachers
Is there an adult in the physical classroom with my student?

Yes, at CC-LIVE we require all of our partners to have an adult in the classroom with the students. This adult is our classroom supporter and typically has experience in education. While they might be content experts in other subjects and/or might be a paraprofessional at the school during the rest of the day their role in the CC-LIVE classroom is to help with classroom management and technical support. We support your whole student by providing each student with both a teacher and a classroom supporter.

What are these benefits of learning in a CC-LIVE Classroom?

Our model was designed to prepare students for their futures both in the workforce and if they decide to continue their education after high school. Please find some specific benefits below:

  • Working with platforms such as Class and Zoom. Your student gets to practice using features everyday that will help them to prepare for future virtual interviews and the hybrid classes they might find at college.
  • Learning there are options to the way they can learn and work. Through the CC-LIVE experience students can make informed decisions about how they work or how they might take classes in the future.
  • Increasing their range of technological devices they have experienced. While many students are digital natives many do not know how to use any device other than a smartphone
  • Introducing your student to technology platforms other than social media. Again, being a digital native does not mean that students know how to use all the resources available in Google for example.
  • Engaged students. Students and admin alike have all noted how much more focused students are in a CC-LIVE classroom. We have taken the screen that we all have an addiction to and use it as one of our teaching tools to capture students interest and redirect it to education.
How is CC-LIVE like the other classes my student attends at their school?
  • Your student takes their class in a classic classroom
  • There is caring and well supported adult present in the room
  • Your student interacts socially with their peers before, during, and after class
  • Your student is being taught by a highly qualified Colorado licensed teacher
  • Your student uses physical materials during class
  • Your student communicates with their teacher one on one during class
Will my student fall behind learning this way?

No, early findings of our pilot indicate both academic and social growth for students in CC-LIVE classes.

  • 100% of CC-LIVE courses saw an increase in student post test scores when compared with their pre-test scores
  • 85% of CC-LIVE students feel supported by their teacher
How do other families feel about their students being in a CC-LIVE class?

This is new to everyone and it is a change that takes some getting used to for most families. Please find individual families responses to this question below:

“I am hoping this math course will help my daughter be more prepared for high school, and that she will be challenged during this course.”

“…He is very enthusiastic about it.”

“I would like to see how the kids respond to this type of learning, I think the teacher and support teacher are doing great so far.”

“So far he likes the format and the structure.”

“We hope that this small group of students in this class will be an impactful environment for all the kids involved.”

“Seems like it will be more successful as my child is more intrigued and is very happy about Math being online this year.”

Does CC-LIVE only serve Colorado?

YES! CC-LIVE was designed in Colorado, for Colorado schools, by Colorado education professionals. Everything we do cements back to the education needs in our Colorado communities. We honor each school partner community by learning as much about them as possible including the little (but important!) things such as your school’s sports teams and the current weather in your region of the state. Sometimes our teachers (and of course they reside in Colorful Colorado too!) will wear your school’s gear and get virtual tours on fun days like Homecoming. We are not kidding when we say we are Colorado Grown!

My student came home and told me they are in an online class, is this true?

The short answer is no. CC-LIVE is not online learning.

Some schools do indeed use online learning for students to take a class as part of the school day and what you can imagine in your head looks like a student in front of the computer working on their own. These online classes are typically characterized by asynchronous learning where students are responsible for most of the motivation of learning on their own with a one-size-fits-all curriculum and the teacher does not interact directly with students to deliver the instruction. A teacher is available to assess their work and answer questions but feels mostly hands-off. 

The CC-LIVE model is different from online learning. The CC-LIVE model uses the internet to join the teacher with the students and to deploy engaging digital tools as part of teaching, but student learning aligns more closely with the traditional in-person learning that students experience in their other classes at school. The teacher is present with the students for all of the learning so that students are guided and can ask questions; the learning is responsive to each of the students in real-time; and students benefit from being in a classroom with a learning community and engaging with their peers during class.

Why did my student’s school decide to partner with CC-LIVE?

Each of our partnering schools have their unique reason for reaching out to CC-LIVE. With the ever changing landscape in education CC-LIVE fills needs and gaps in education that have existed for decades as well as ones that have recently emerged. Please keep in mind most schools have many staffing challenges even if they are not always being communicated. Please find a list below on why our partners sought a partnership with CC-LIVE.

  • To fill a teacher vacancy 
  • To prepare or react to a teacher retiring
  • To be a long-term sub for one of your courses
  • To reduce class sizes
  • To offer a course to a group of students that your school does not have or is at capacity (example: you are a middle school and have a few students who need a high school math class)
  • To mentor a person in your school who is transitioning to teaching in an alternative licensure program
  • To use the LIVE virtual teacher as PD support for a struggling teacher
  • To mentor a new teacher outside of the content area
Who do I communicate with when I need answers about my students' progress in their CC-LIVE class?

The CC-LIVE teacher. We expect families to communicate with your student’s CC-LIVE teacher just as you communicate with any other teacher your student has at their school this school year.

How is my student’s teacher being evaluated?

CC-LIVE is committed to offering partnering schools the best possible teachers and supports the teachers in professional development during the school year to be mindful practitioners in this unique format of instruction.

Since our LIVE virtual teachers are teaching in-person students in Colorado schools, our administrator at CC-LIVE evaluates our teachers using the Colorado State Model Performance Management System RANDA framework in order to measure student learning/outcomes as well as calculate a final effectiveness rating every school year.

Additionally as part of our evaluation and growth cycles our LIVE virtual teachers also align their teaching practices using the National Standards of Quality Online Teaching. National Standards for Quality Online Teaching and the vetting of supporting learning resources is led by Quality Matters (QM) and the Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance (VLLA). The eight standards and 51 indicators provide a framework for schools, districts, state agencies, statewide online programs and other interested educational organizations to improve online teaching and learning.

What will the first few weeks of the school year look like for my student?

The start of the school year at any school is always a bit fuzzy and this is also true at CC-LIVE. Our teachers intentionally take time to settle in and develop habits with their students. Please don’t judge the model or teacher too quickly. Give it some time. Our responsive teachers also need some time to get to know your students and adjust for them.

Is my student only using the computer to do their work during class?

No, not at all. Below are all ways students learn in their CC-LIVE class. Most are happening away from their computer.

  • Paper and pencil
  • Physical calculators
  • In class whiteboards
  • In class posters
  • Tools just like you used including physical protractors and tape measures
How can you accommodate my student with their 504 or IEP plan?

The CC-LIVE model and tools allow teachers to meet students where they are and help them grow, especially with students who can benefit from differentiated instruction. 

CC-LIVE can offer students tools such as captioning in the LIVE teacher as they talk using the translation tool so that each student can receive instruction in thier first language.

It is the school district’s responsibility to notify CC-LIVE if a student enrolled in a course requires an accommodation. 

CC-LIVE is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to participate in CC-LIVE courses.

My student seems a bit hesitant to learn in this new way. How can I support them?

Past families have shared that communicating that they understand their student’s feelings have helped them open up lines of communication with them. From here families explain why their school has partnered with CC-LIVE and how important it is to have an open-mind when they are presented with a new way to do something, such as learning. Students who know they have their families’ support are successful learning in this way.

Will my student’s school be using CC-LIVE for all of their teachers?

No, the CC-LIVE model was designed to compliment the classic school structure. In other words, we want students to continue having most of their classes at their school taught by traditional in-person teachers all while having a CC-LIVE class and absorbing the benefits of learning in a CC-LIVE classroom environment while being taught by the best teachers in the state no matter what town you live in.

Our Leadership Team

Dr. Scott Cooper

Dr. Scott Cooper

Program Director

Dr. Ken Haptonstall

Dr. Ken Haptonstall

Executive Director Colorado River BOCES/ Colorado Empowered Learning

Dr. Nicolette DiPietro

Dr. Nicolette DiPietro

Program Researcher

Roxie Mitchell, MAT, NBCT

Roxie Mitchell, MAT, NBCT

Program Developer

Our Teachers

Melanie Battista, M.Ed

Melanie Battista, M.Ed

Math Teacher

Jamie Grandbouche, NVTA

Jamie Grandbouche, NVTA

Math Teacher

Lara Tabola

Lara Tabola

Math Teacher

Get Started!

Be part of the future of education in Colorado with CC-LIVE!

Fill out our short inquiry form so we can understand your needs and connect with you.

Stay Connected!

CC-LIVE produces a monthly digital newsletter highlighting information about our pilot work, our innovative model of teaching and learning, as well as our registration process.

CC-Live in the Media

Classrooms for Colorado LIVE has had the priviledge of with working CLASS as well as other organizations. See what they have to say about us below!

Our Partnering Schools

Grand Valley High School

Mountain Middle School

Rifle Middle School

Yampah Mountain High 

Our Project Collaborators

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